To enhance transparency, service, and communication with stakeholders, as a crucial implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), the Company is mandated to establish the role of a Corporate Secretary. The Corporate Secretary serves as the intermediary, bridging the interests of the Company with those of shareholders, regulators, and stakeholders.

The appointment of the Corporate Secretary adheres to the guidelines outlined in Financial Services Authority Regulation No.35/POJK.04/2014, dated 8 December 2014, on the function of Corporate Secretary of the Issuer or Public Company.

Duties and Responsibilities
As an organ with a structural function in the Company’s organization, the Corporate Secretary has the primary responsibility of providing comprehensive support to the Board of Directors in fulfilling their duties. The Corporate Secretary plays a crucial role in facilitating communication among various organs within the Company, managing relationships between the Company and its shareholders, regulators, and other stakeholders, and ensuring the Company’s adherence to the principle of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Any information communicated by the Corporate Secretary to the public represents official information from the Company, acting as an Issuer or Public Company.

The Implementation of the Corporate Secretary’s Duties in 2023
Throughout the year 2023, the Corporate Secretary carried out the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Advise the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors and provide recommendation to ensure compliance with the capital market laws and regulations.
  2. Monitoring developments in the capital market, including regulations and guidelines related to the Limited Liability Company and the Articles of Association of the Company.
  3. Organizing the Annual GMS for the fiscal year 2022 and documenting the Annual GMS for the fiscal year 2022 held on May 8, 2023.
  4. Conducting public expose on May 8, 2023 and publishing it on the Company’s website.

Natalie Lie

Corporate Secretary
Natalie Lie
Corporate Secretary

Based on the Board of Directors’ Decision Letter No. CSS.068-2020 dated 20 July 2020, Natalie Lie served as the Corporate Secretary.

She started her career in Lippo Group in 2009 when she joined the Times Bookstore. In 2011 she joined PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk’s Corporate Legal & Corporate Services, then since 2013 joined PT Multipolar Tbk’s Corporate Legal & Corporate Services.

She obtained her Master of Law degree from Universitas Pelita Harapan (2023), a double degree in Executive Master of Business Administration from Pelita Harapan University and Peking University (2015), and a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Business Information System from the University of Derby (2002).

She is an Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Tangerang – Indonesia, 42 years old as of December 31, 2023.

Appointment of Corporate Secretary